Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Multiplicity of Debt Consolidation Program is a Boon

Debt consolidation program are especially meant for people who are facing debt problems. And debt problems are of nature which once starts growing; it becomes very difficult to stop them. But as well said iron cuts an iron in the same manner a debt is used to finish the debts of a person. The financial market termed the way of handling debts as debt consolidation program.

Debt consolidation program provides different ways to manage debts. Today various financial companies provides debt consolidation program as per the problem of person. Generally these companies have panel of credit experts who listens to the problem of person and evaluate it. And finally suggest a way to come out of debt problem.

Choosing an appropriate Debt consolidation program is very crucial decision as single wrong decision can worst up your credit situation.

Debt consolidation program is also considered as quickest and cheap mode to manage debts. On availing debt consolidation program the person can reduce his monthly outgoing of money. As the lender of the debt consolidation program combines all the debts of a person and let him pay single monthly installment. In other words it let the person deal with the single lender rather than dealing with number of creditors. It also leads to reduction in the rate of interest. In debt consolidation program the lender negotiates with the creditors of the borrower to reduce the amount of debts. The principal amount of debt is not reduced rather the reduction lies in the various other cost of the loan and even waiving penalties of loan if any.

Usually there are several other ways to eliminate the debts such as IVAs, r bankruptcy. But they are considered as bad credit for a person. So, it is always advisable that the person should avoid such mode. On the other hand, availing debt consolidation program adds to the credit report of a person if timely payments of installments are made to the lender.

Other ways of managing debts which forms a part of debt consolidation program are debt consolidation loan, mortgage or remortgage etc. The functions performed by these are same that is handling debts. But, the person avail it as per his needs because loan may be better suited to person than mortgage and vice versa. This is the reason that why the person is suggested to consult a credit advisor before availing any debt consolidation program.

After having herself gone through the ordeal of loan borrowing, Natasha Anderson understands the need for good quality loan advice. Her articles endeavor to provide you the wise counsel in the most elementary way for the benefit of the readers. She works for the UK Debt Consolidations. To find Debt consolidation program, business debt management, loans, unsecured debt consolidation loans, secured loans that best suits your needs visit Blog96182
Alexina Blog12181

Mountain Bikes

Mountain biking is so much more than a mere sport. It is an enriching experience in itself. Along with great exercise for you comes the added element of visual gratification if you are riding your bike across scenic wooded paths. It gives you the pleasure of knowing that you are doing something good for your body while immensely enjoying the activity. It comes as little surprise thus that mountain bikes are always so much in demand. And the technology with which these mountain bikes are being made nowadays is becoming more and more advanced. The quality is always improving and the extreme competitiveness in this segment makes sure nothing is compromised in the production of these mountain bikes.

A mountain bike is also known as an ATB or an All Terrain Bicycle. These are meant for rough use on rugged roads and built much more sturdily compared to the normal bicycles. Depending on the suspension, mountain bikes can be mainly categorized into hard tail, soft tail and dual suspension bikes. The speed of these bikes will also vary as they come with different speeds with the most common ones being 21 speed and 24 speed. There are also bikes that have 27 speed or 30 speed.

As the technology used in producing mountain bikes has seen several progressive changes over the years, it has in turn been becoming increasingly possible to ride these bikes on rougher and rougher terrain. And that is just one reason why they are called All Terrain Bicycles in the first place.

Another unique feature in the mountain bikes that separate them from the normal every day bikes are their tires. The first thing that you would notice is that mountain bikes have much fatter tires. Given their bigger size, these tires are afforded far more durability on rough roads or mountainous paths than their normal counterparts. Mountain bikes normally have wheels that are 26 inches thick but other sizes are also commonly used like 21 inch wheels.

A lot of modern mountain bikes also come equipped with disc brakes. These have proven to be of significant assistance especially to mountain bikers who are participating in a race or a rally. These disc brakes give you the option of braking fast and the strength of their braking is also quite powerful compared to the mechanical brakes. All in all, whether it is for the racing professionals or casual office-goers looking for some exercise, a good mountain bike could be a very smart purchase.

James Brown writes about's%20Sports.html, and http://www.onlinebikedeals.comBambi Blog34291
Betty Blog94984

Controlling and Getting Rid of Student Debt

Most of the students nowadays fear debt (Education Guardian, 2006). However, debt is not necessarily a bad thing, if you can control it. Learning how to control it early on pays dividends for the rest of your life, as the likelihood is, you will owe some money to someone until retirement, be it a mortgage, loans or even leveraging a business. Simple corporate finance rule of thumb states that individuals and businesses can benefit from a correct ratio of debt in their portfolio (Brealey et al., 2003, p. 532).

The first rule of controlling your debt is not to spend too much. Students have a lot of different discounts available to them, so you need to get a student card as soon as you join the academic institution to be eligible for the discounts. In turn this means that your purchasing power increases as you buy the same basket of goods for less. For example, your Debt Reduction Team offers a wide range of discounts that are available not only to you but also to your friends and family (SDRT, 2002).

Your two biggest expenditures (except for alcohol) are likely to be accommodation costs and books. It is advisable to stay in university halls as long as it is possible. Sometimes applying early on and negotiating will allow you to secure a place in the second and third academic years. In Britain books are extremely expensive, so do not rush to buy everything on the reading list. The best way to save on books is to use the library and it is always worth signing up to libraries outside of your university which will give you access to books when they are not available in your own library. Also, if you are living in halls, students in the year above you are likely to have the books that you require. If you do want to buy books, check university book sales or the internet for second-hand bargains. However, if you do have to buy a brand new book, be very careful with it and do not break the back or loose the receipt, as this will allow you to refund it (usually within 10 days) if you decide that the book is not for you.

Other ways that you can save money are:

Shop for food with friends buying in bulk can save money and means that you can take advantage of the 'buy one get one free' offers (NatWest, 2006)

Use your NUS or ISIC card and also look in your Student's Union for a number of one-off offers that are available (NatWest, 2006)

Before buying goods ask fellow students if they know where to get them cheaper

Considering that you have minimised your spending, the methods of efficient borrowing will be discussed below.

New students usually borrow from the Student Loan Company (SLC) to fund their fees. This company will allow you to borrow up to 3,000 per year and the debt will need to be paid back once your income is 15,000 or more per annum (City University, 2006). The SLCs interest on the loan only increases in line with inflation (retail price index), therefore you will only pay what you have borrowed, plus inflation. The repayments will be linked to your income at 9% (DFES, 2006, p. 8). SLC loans are primarily used to pay tuition fees, but of course, you will also need some spending money. The majority of students will open a credit-card account. However, what you need to be aware of is that a credit cards interest is a lot higher then those charged for a loan. Therefore, there are other sources of finance that you can try first, such as Student Accounts that are provided by most of the high-street banks. Student accounts will allow you to borrow at 0% interest (up to a certain amount) during your university years and 1-3 years afterwards. Most of the high-street banks compete to get students as their customers, so make sure you check all of the available offers before settling for an account.

However, if alternative resources have run out then opening a credit card might be the only option left. In this case you should be looking for a credit card with 0% on purchases. Most of the credit cards will have a shorter time-frame on 0% purchases than on balance transfers, so you need to find a credit card that will give the maximum time on free purchases. Zero per cent on purchases means that the cardholder pays no interest on anything that they purchase with the credit card for a certain period of time and after that timeframe expires, a standard rate of interest is incurred on the balance (RBS, 2006). The best deals on credit cards can be found on the internet. There are two things that you can do once you reach the end of the 0% period:

a) transfer the debt to a new credit card provider; or
b) pay off the debt.

Otherwise the debt will start rising out of control. In the first scenario there are a few things to watch out for. First of all, when you transfer the balance the amount of 0% purchases will go down. For example, if a new credit card offers a 2,500 limit and 2,000 is transferred from the original credit card, then only 500 is left for purchases. Secondly, there will be a fee for transferral, which ranges from 2% to 6%, which needs to be taken into consideration when choosing the best deal. Thirdly, if the credit card offers a 2,500 limit and 2,500 is transferred, there will be no money left to spend, which will force you to open another credit card. Furthermore, most of the credit cards will have a certain cash withdrawal limit, which is much lower then the credit limit offered. You should be aware of that limit, and bear in mind that you will incur credit card charges every time money is withdrawn. So, the best thing to do is to have a plan of how to pay some of the spending off whilst 0% on transfers and purchases is still available.

There are a lot of different ways of earning money whilst at university, which will not interfere with the lecture attendance. Most universities and some agencies will allow a student to work around their timetable, furthermore there are a large number of companies on the internet that will allow you to work from home at your own pace. For example, a student once told me that the best way to earn money while at university is to look outside of university jobs. In her case, she did bar work at the club during semester time and temped full-time for an agency during summers doing administration work. On completion of university not only did she have a positive account balance, but also had good working experience to display on her CV.

Considering that you have some money coming in and 0% on purchases is available to you, you can put this income into a savings account (cash ISAs is one of the best ways of saving, while still allowing you to withdraw at any time). Therefore, your income is earning you money, but the credit card is not charging interest. Once the credit card has to be paid off, the required amount is withdrawn from the savings account and the credit-card bill is nullified.

However, what can you do when there is no income coming in? Unfortunately, you will need to rely on debt. As has been explained previously, you will need to make sure that you transfer credit balances before interest payments are incurred. However, there will come a time when you will run out of money available to you and this will require you to have some income coming in. As stated before, there are a lot of different ways of earning income whilst at university. Furthermore, bear in mind that most future employers will look favourably on previous job experience, even if it is not related to the job that you are applying for.

Getting rid of debt on completion of university is also not as difficult as its made out to be, if you can apply the correct discipline. The first thing that needs to be done is to understand exactly how much money is owed (this can include credit cards, loans and store cards). Secondly, debts need to be put in order of priority. For example, if the credit cards are incurring 14% interest, whilst 4% is charged on your loan, then paying off the credit cards should take priority. If you do not have the income to pay off all of the credit cards straight away there are a number of things that can be done:

a) transferring the balance to a 0% credit card;
b) speaking to your bank and asking them for terms to consolidate your credit cards (more then one quote should be obtained)
c) calling other debt consolidation companies and seeing what they can offer (Clear Start, 2006).

Similar stages can be applied to other debts, in order of priority. If steady income is available (which is higher than the amount spent per month) then debt is not necessarily a bad thing. If spending is controlled, then you can pay off outstanding debt, and benefit from alternative debt available. For example, if you spend against your credit card at 0% per year, then your outgoings can be put against the credit card, but income can be put into a savings account allowing those savings to be used to pay the card off at the end of the free period, so retaining the interest.

Some students think that they can default on a student loan. Defaulting on a student loan is very difficult. The loan will be automatically written off by the government after 25 years, if not paid (DFES, 2006).

Although the above work outlines different ways of maintaining and controlling debts, it should be noted that bad debts and an inability to pay may be registered with credit reference agencies, which in turn will decrease your ability to obtain a mortgage in the future (Dwelley, 2006). Therefore, it is important to control your finances at all stages: during university and afterwards.

This article was written by Verena Veneeva professional writer working for

You are free to reprint this article; however should you do so you must place a hyperlink to Papers4you


Brealey R, Myers S. 2003 Principles of corporate finance International Edition, published by McGraw-Hill Higher Education, p. 532

City University, 2006, Student Loans new students 2006/2007 Available from: (Accessed on 31/10/06)

Clear Start 2006 Unable to keep up monthly payments on credit cards and loans Available from: (Accessed on 31/10/06)

DFES, 2006 Student loans and the question of debt Available from: (Accessed on 31/10/06)

Dwelley S. 2006 Student debt and how to deal with it Available from: (Accessed on 31/10/06)

Education Guardian. 2006 Market logic turns a degree into a share certificate Available from:,,1840824,00.html (Accessed on 31/10/06)

NatWest 2006 Avoiding the student debt trap Available from: (Accessed on 31/10/06)

RBS, 2006 Credit Cards Personal Finances Available from: (Accessed on 31/10/06)

SDRT 2006 Student Debt Reduction Team Available from: (Accessed on 31/10/06)

This article was written by Verena Veneeva professional writer working for Beth Blog35141
Aida Blog63178

Best Forex Trading Education

There are many forex trading courses and educational material that a person can find online. However how does someone go about finding the best Forex trading education information? Certainly there are huge amounts of information that will educate you about Forex trading, but not all of it will help you to achieve your goals of making a profit rather than losing.

Below are some guidelines which should help you to find the best forex trading education course

Point 1 - Avoid Day Trading Systems

Many people when starting out in Forex trading will be enticed into thinking that the best way of making money is through day trading. Certainly if you were to ask a person who is selling a Forex trading course for details relating to their real time track record with regard to profits relating to day trading they will not be able to provide one to you.

So if you are looking to produce an income from your trading then do not waste your time on day trading.

Point 2 - Real Time Profit Records

When buying any sort of forex education course, you need to be provided with these records. If a person selling their system does not have confidence in the abilities of their system and are not investing their own monies then why should you. Unfortunately some of these courses being offered online today are from people who have either never traded in their lives or have failed when they have used the system themselves.

Point 3 - Understand It

Once you find a forex trading system which either has a track record or is willing to show their real profits then there are some other things which you will need to take into consideration.

It is important that you learn everything you can about the system in question so that you understand it completely. Unfortunately if you have no understanding of how the system works then you will not have the confidence to trust in it and follow the system through to a likely conclusion if you start to suffer losses.

By keeping these points in mind, you will find the best Forex trading education that is suited to your kind of personality. There are literally hundreds of places on the web that can offer you an education as well as free advice on Forex trading so do some investigating and you will soon find one that is ideal for you.

Ricky Lim is the owner of where he has forex tutorials and tips on forex currency trading for beginners.Althea Blog41456
Alidia Blog87545

How to Choose the Right Gifts for Men: Six Simple (and FUN) Steps

Buying gifts for men has always been a challenge. But with the holidays approaching and shopping season upon us (whether we like it or not), now is prime time for the all-too-common quandary of What gifts can I give him that he will genuinely like and appreciate?

Whether you have a husband who has everything he wants aside from that half-million dollar Lamborghini, a brother who changes his favorite hobby daily, or a father who tells you not to buy him anything, choosing gifts for men -- especially something they really like -- can be a challenge.

While theres no perfect gift out there that will please every man, these tips will ensure youll be tuned into the psychology of gift-giving to men, and help you choose a unique gift for him hell really love.

1. Think Function, Not Sentiment

In a heterosexual relationship men tend to think of gift giving more in terms of an economic exchange of goods than women do, says Professor Margaret Rucker, who holds a doctorate in psychology with an emphasis in consumer psychology, and is a gift-giving expert.

So while a woman may be completely impressed by a house filled with roses, a man would probably prefer an item that he can hold on to, and use. Think golf clubs over naming a star after him, and new slippers over a decorative knick-knack.

2. Listen to What He Wants

While women may offer hints as to what the perfect gift would be, men tend to be less subtle and may come right out and say what they want. Rather than going out of your way to find a surprise, simply buying the item hes said he wants can be ideal.

The key is to pay attention and buy the item that HE wants, not the item that YOU, the giver, wants (or thinks he should want).

3. Center it Around His Interests

When looking for a functional gift for men, be sure it centers around something he likes. If hes in to sports, this might be tickets to a sold-out sporting event, or some type of sports memorabilia (think golf balls with his favorite NFL team logo on them -- see -- versus a pack of regular golf balls.) A man who loves gardening may appreciate a special plant or gardening tool. Does he love watching movies? Maybe a DVD player, a surround sound system, or a couple of CDs or DVDs would fit the bill.

4. Avoid Generic Token Gifts

This rule applies just as much to women as it does to men: most people, including men, dont value generic token gifts.

Token gifts for men, like socks and underwear that youve given him every year, are regarded as low cost and low effort, Rucker says. Generic gifts are regarded similarly.

"If its a gift you have in the closet, something you could give anybody, thats downgraded," says Rucker.

5. Make it Something Fun

While there are some men who will definitely appreciate a practical gift (some new work clothes, a garden hose, etc.), generally speaking, men want a gift thats fun.

(The exception here may be seniors, particularly those on a fixed income would actually prefer something they already need.)

The key is finding something that the man will use, but that will be fun to use, not something work-related. For instance, buying a man a regular tool set is comparable to buying a woman a vacuum cleaner -- unless the man loves woodworking, etc., and you find that special tool hes been looking for.

For some really fun (and FUNNY) gifts see

6. Put Some Thought into It

Men like to feel special, too, and a thoughtful gift will make him feel loved and supported. What makes a gift thoughtful? Finding something that HE wants and that HEs interested in. Check out the store to see if there are any products that would make great gifts hed be interested in search sites that suggest unique and interesting gifts like or of course Google specific gift search terms that may be up his alley.

D. Williams is the editor of, home of the world's most popular and trusted e-newsletter providing top expert insights in the areas of personal wealth, health/wellness, safety, career, relationships and life enjoyment.Camel Blog43657
Antonella Blog93031

Website Builder: How Do I Benefit?

As a business owner, your initial steps towards building a website are usually ones of hesitation and doubt. Youve heard the hype and every single business news and media outlet talk about this website and that website and all what a website can do for you and your business.

But what are your options?

You have several options if you are going to purchase a website package.

They are:

Hire A Website Designer

When you hire a website designer, you WILL get a professional looking website. However, what youll inevitably get is a very big price tag and a lack of control. You are at the whim of the designer and their schedule. Also, youll have to qualify them (many are sole proprietors or freelancers).

Pros: Professional looking website
Cons: Cost; scheduling delays; lack of control

Do-It-Yourself/Get A Friend

The Do-It-Yourself/Get A Friend option is very appealing at first glance. After all, youll learn a new skill. You learn how to code, how to maintain a website, how to build a website and all the infinite details. However, this all requires time. If you have the time, go for it. All the risk and rewards will be yours. Since you dont have the time because youre busy attracting more customers and focusing on the business, you decide to get a friend to help. Your friend tells you that theyll get to it. A week later, you ask your friend hows the website because you havent seen anything. So they tell you that they had a hard week at work and You get the picture. Your friends time is valuable to them as well.

Pros: Potential to be very inexpensive

Cons: High learning curve; your margin is at risk because you are taking away from your core business knowledge and spreading yourself thinly. May damage your friendship because youre managing your friend just like an employee. Your business image is at risk because you dont know if the finished product will be professional.

Website Builder
When building a website, you look for these 4 items:

1) Inexpensive website building
2) Professional design
3) Have access to changes from any PC
4) Accessible Customer Service

The cost of a website is the initial sticker shock when thinking about website ownership. However, the cost can often overshadow what you require. For example, you require a registered domain name, a place to host your website (store your files) and the ability to control the context of your website from one central location. If the price appears too cheap for what theyre offering, then you may question whether you want to have your website hosted with that company.

You also want a company that will backup your data on a regular basis. A website company that also keeps abreast of technology that can help your website business grow is also important.

Website building shouldnt be overly complicated. A website company that can help you build your website from the ground up with a focus on delivering your website professionally, inexpensively and on time will get your business 99% of the time.

Evaluate your website company and see what they can deliver. Thats the only way of knowing if theyre right for you and your website business.

Mark Gerrard is the Development Manager of the Freestart Website Builder Platform. See our website builder in action at Catrina Blog83352
Arlee Blog92465

Baby Products that make Baby's Lifestyle Easy and Comfortable

Are you looking to buy unique gift for your baby? Online sites are always available with huge collection of numerous products which claim to be best for our babys and provide you much related information about the products that are used to comfort your little.

Some are specialized in baby products. But it is always good to be cautious before buying any baby products because most of the times to look good and attractive manufactures make use of chemicals, synthetic additives and irritants which dry babys skin and are absorbed into their bodies. The related products are listed below:

Baby Powder

if something you are buying for your baby skin choose a product which is smooth and 100%safe for the skin. While buying baby powder make sure that it should not contain any chemicals like zinc stearate, magnesium silicates and other substances, which are harmful for your baby.

Baby ointment

To prevent your baby from diaper rashes make use of baby ointment so as to make your baby a healthy baby.

Baby Food

There are many food items in the market that contain chemicals which are harmful for our babys health. Buy baby food from reputed company and have some popularity. Do not give your baby hard food to swallow. You must see that the food you serve your baby is soft and easy to digest. Always serve fresh and healthy food to your baby

Baby Clothing

Always it is not necessary which look good should be good. Many times we parents just buy anything which looks good on our baby and forget that our baby may not be comfortable in wearing that. Do not dress your baby too tight or too loose. Select soft material that does not create on your baby's skin. Always choose attractive clothes as baby too gets attracted towards the design and pattern of the cloth.

Baby Toys

Make sure the toy your purchase for your baby should always have a blunt edge and a smooth surface. See that toys do not have a pointed edge. It is good to purchase soft toys for your baby.

Anna Josephs is a freelance editor having experience of many years in writing articles and news releases on various topics related to health, automobile and social issues. Currently, she is working on To get more details on Baby Products, please visit . Please feel free to write feedback on this article. Anna Josephs can be contacted at Blog55412
Blinny Blog62343

5 Things To Consider About Debt Consolidation

Debt Consolidation....How could you not think about it? Several times a week you are presented with the "best option" for debt consolidation through either the mail, a telemarketer(we all love them), e-mail, or advertising online, just to name a few. Do you find it strange that so many people are concerned with your well-being and financial stability that they want to help you? Don't be. There are obvious reasons that we all know, that companies want your debt. Huge Profits! They have the statistics and know the trends that most people will only make minimum monthly payments which over the term of the loan pays them back at least 4 times the amount and from the temporary increase in available cash, most people repeat the same spending habits that caused the need for consolidation in the first place. More opportunity for the companies.

But debt consolidation can be a great thing if used correctly. There are varying opinions about this from the many financial "experts" of the world, but my personal belief is that we all make decisions necessary to solve our current problems and give us added peace of mind. Now the decisions do not always give the results we hope for and may not be the best decisions for long term planning, but I do believe people make what they think are the best decisions at the time. It is pretty easy to look back and question some of the financial decisions we made, we all do, but the problem with doing this is only analyzing the decision and not the many other factors that were in play when the decision was made. ex family, job, relationship, sanity, etc. When deciding if debt consolidation is the best thing for you, here are some things that should be considered to help make the best decision possible.

1) How much additional monthly cash will my consolidation make available?

This is based on an assumption on why people consolidate, but I assume it is because the total amount of your monthly bills is more than you can afford or want to pay each month. Whatever the reason, how much cash your consolidation frees up should be a consideration if you do it or not. If the total of your monthly bills is currently $1,000 and after the consolidation your monthly payment will be $975, then the consolidation is probably not the best idea. Now if that payment is going to be $500 after the consolidation, then maybe it is worth it. There is no one number that makes this answer right, totally personal choice. Just make sure that you review all of the terms and that over the long haul you are not paying a whole lot more than you would have before the consolidation.

2) Can I consolidate without consolidating?

Is it possible that you can consolidate your bills and pay them off quicker without the formal consolidation? This requires an analysis of your bills, the amounts owed to each, the minimum monthly payments, and how much longer before they are paid off. It may make more sense to endure the high payments for a few more months, if you can make minimum monthly payments on most bills while overpaying on one to pay it off. And repeating this process until, in theory, you are debt free. This is commonly referred to as the snowball effect, which basically means as you pay off one bill it frees up more cash to increase the payments on another bill. This is done over and over until all of the bills are paid. I am sure there are places online that have calculators that can help you perform this task as well as Microsoft Money and Quicken. I have used both of these programs and they both are helpful in graphically laying out what extra payments can do.

3) What am I prepared to change in my spending habits?

This is probably one of the most important questions to ask yourself, what will I do differently after the consolidation? You must take a long, hard look at your financial situation and determine how you will control your spending habits differently. I hate to make it seem as though consolidation is a bad thing because it truly is not. But I do realize than many people consolidate loans and bills due to being overextended. If you fall into that category, make sure you are doing what is necessary in terms of spending controls to prevent the need for more consolidation in the future. Statistics will easily show that there is little change after the consolidation which leads to further consolidation in the future. Dont be a statistic!

4) How much does my consolidation cost by the end?

This is really a combination of what are the terms of my consolidation loan versus the current terms of my loans. I guess it could be summed up as reading the fine print. These lending companies like nothing more than to get you into long term contracts with low monthly payments that last forever. The first several years of these payments the interest portion is far higher than the principal with statistics showing there will be some other type of consolidation after a few years. To them that is more money, more money, more money. Look at the terms of your loan and try to avoid adjustable rates, extremely long terms, or high closing costs to acquire the loan. The most important is the rate and if it adjusts. Sometimes they are unavoidable, but that makes your payment for the future unpredictable. If may only fluctuate a little at a time, but over the course of a year or two, your payment could be drastically different. The documents that you have to sign to acquire the loan will usually state how much you will pay in total if you make your minimum monthly payments for the duration of the loan. Look at this number and see if you can make it lower and meet you current cash needs. You will thank yourself in the long run.

5) What effect will extra payments have?

Consider extra payments each month, even if it is as little as $25. This makes a significant impact to the length of the loan. Obviously the amount of the loan will make a difference as an extra $25 against a $1 million dollar loan does not have that great of an impact, but extra payments help. Banks calculate payments and interest using compound interest meaning that they do not simply multiply you loan times the finance rate for the year to get your interest. They calculate it daily. So 5% per year is not $100 X 5%, it is ($100 5%/365)* 365. This gives a number much different than $105. By making extra payments you are reducing the amount by which the interest is calculates against. So everyday after you make your extra payment, the amount the interest is calculated against is lower. Makes a difference. Do the math.

Brian May writes articles on a variety of subjects including relationships, real estate, and finances. Please visit my sites or Blog75630
Carolee Blog62241

Experiencing A Great Golf Game

Although great deal of interest has been recently directed to the amazing game of golf, as in all things in life, golf does maintain a fair part of its own mystery and does indeed entail change and progress. For example, the origin of golf is still open to debate among Chinese, French, Dutch and Scottish, while the golf course has not always had eighteen holes. Whether people will one day agree on who invented golf first or decide to add more holes on the golf's playground is a matter of time and interest. But, what golf professionals, fans, and spectators in general, undoubtedly attest is golf is an excellent game to exercise the human body and mind.

In fact, the most crucial aspects of the golf swing and the game, in general, all revolve around the building of a strong and solid foundation fro the body, the mind and the basics of an athletic swing. Specifically, the most important concepts that play a critical role in our understanding of what creates a great round of golf, as well as to what contributes to a lifetime of enjoyment of the game, are stamina, stability, strength, flexibility, spirit, sequence and skill.

Although many golfers tend to ignore the cardiovascular element of golf, the great American golf championship Tiger Woods has stated that fatigue can affect one's focus and cause the player to make a bad decision. If one considers in addition to this comment that golf walkers cover approximately a distance of 4-5 mile in each round, staying in shape is as important as knowing how to golf.

Then, a golfer has to think about stability. Developing strength from the core region of the body outwards, allows forces to be transferred successfully from one's feet to his arms and thus to his ball swing. Finding and practicing on keeping a specific posture, stabilize one's trunk and joints, can separate the good from the great golf player. More specifically, strength comes in many forms with regard to the golf swing. Exercising and developing strong back muscles allow the golfer to exercise greater forces on a swing. In fact, experts support that combined muscle strength produces balance and coordination.

Of course, flexibility is perhaps the most crucial physical characteristic a golfer must possess, as it directly influences a golf swing. Maintaining a tight body might result in a restricted swing motion and produce less that optimal results. Keeping a flexible body posture, while being firm and confident is a goal few golf players in the history of golf have managed to attain. Directly affected by the flexibility factor, a true understanding of proper body motion at each sequence will ensure consistency in one's swing. Essentially, it is the goal of every golfer to manage to develop and maintain a fluid, but repeatable golf swing. But apart from the necessary golf practice, developing good swing mechanics requires the presence of skill. Considered as an absolute necessity, in every sport, skill cannot be underestimated.

Finally, a golfer should keep in mind that a winning and positive attitude is everything in this game. As in every competitive game, what one thinks, says or how one selects to act can contribute positively or negatively to the game's outcome. Keeping a positive and hopeful spirit when playing golf can be one of those things that will lead you to victory.

Kadence Buchanan writes articles for - In addition, Kadence also writes articles for and Blog28114
Berenice Blog71207

Instantly Online Unsecured Loans without Pledge

To qualify ones desirable requirements, individuals need to have make adjustments- financial adjustments. So as to taking account of todays money market inflation, its getting harder and harder day by day to maintain budget accordingly. People avail the benefits of loans, the loans which not only provide with ample money, but also do no contain any sort of collateral pledging, the loans contain collateral pledging proves to be financial rather detrimental to the borrowers property. For, the convenience of such borrowers, the lending authority has provisioned the various lenders with online unsecured loans.

Availing the online unsecured loans online accelerates the processing pace of these loans. No need of keeping collateral, evades borrowers from property evaluation and that quickens the processing procedures of online unsecured loans. Therefore, these loans attest the special attention of those who are tenant or non-homeowners. More so, those homeowners who do not want to produce their any valuable item before lenders too, can avail the facility of these loans.

Individuals having in grave adversity of bad credit history i.e., CCJs, IVAs, bankrupts, arrears, and defaulters, too have been given chances of availing online unsecured loans, all that they may have to face with a little more paper works and documentation. Due to degrading credit scores, lenders make their lending steps with clarity and cautiously.

Amount raised by the lending authority under the online unsecured loans is 5, 000; however this amount can be further increased up to 25, 000 too. Borrowers invest the amount as they wish to. Home improvement and renovation, childrens higher education, for ones business infrastructural development etc., these loans contain wholesome lending package.

In order to get benefits from the online unsecured loans, lenders keep the repayment period shorter to other loans. In view to make up the insurance of unsecured loans, lenders incur upon higher interest rates, as these loans contain no collateral as of borrowers security. Nevertheless, period stipulated to the online unsecured loans is 5 years, which can be further extended up to 10 years terms too.

Now, what required is right selection of a lender, the lender may offer feasible terms and conditions of online unsecured loans. Due to presence of too many lenders in money market, it becomes somewhat harder for the borrowers to select amongst from. Possibly, not to forget taking help of financial expert, if one may having any problem regarding online unsecured loans.

Tim Kelly is an expert in finance having completed her LLM in Finance (Master of Laws in Finance) from Institute for Law and Finance at Frankfurt University. She is currently working with Bad Debt Unsecured Loan as a financial advisor. To find bad debt unsecured loan, online unsecured loans, bad debt business loan, bad debt fast unsecured loan, unsecured loan that best site's you need visit Blog30146
Aurie Blog89741

How To Stop Running To Your Doctor With Health Problems

Hey there,

Have you been seeing your doctor a little too much lately? Headaches here, chest pains there..shortness of breath, feeling weak, dizzy, and lethargic.

A nasty virus going around?

Not likely.

Something you caught from your kids?

Probably not.

Well, what is it?

Would you believe (and you should) that it could be that youre overweight and/or out of shape?

No way, it cant be! you say..I mean youre supposed to drag yourself throughout the day eating chips, drinking caffeine laced beverages, and exercising your fingers on the keyboard.

Thats how life supposed to say, work like crazymake as much money as possible regardless of the health risksretire (while being overweight and out of shape) and spend a good amount of your retirement visiting your local doctor and hospital waiting for that new breakthrough surgery to suck up all that fat from your arteries. Unfortunately, this is often true of many people nowadays. How can you possibly stop this and decrease the possibility (exponentially, I might add) that you have to spend your retirement years pitching a tent at your doctors office.

Get moving.

Start a fitness program..try to do a pushup (you should be able to do more than 1, by the way)take a brisk walk around the neighborhood..take a jog with your dog up and down the street..try to do 10 crunchesjust start something! More importantly, stick with it.

Thats all you need..just 2 little things.

Start with something.and stick with it.

2 simple, yet powerful actions. In fact, theyre so powerful that if you did these two little things, you would be in better shape than most people in the world!

You want to know a little secret?

Open your ears and pay attention.

Your doctor doesnt want to see you. In fact, they are sick of seeing you..they would rather be playing But do you want to know why they have to keep long hours and spend minimal time with patients?

Because we are getting fatter and unhealthier by the day. Which equals more health problems, which equals more doctor visits, more hospital visits, more tests (very costly I might add), more x-rays, more surgeries, etc. etc. etc.

How many hundreds and thousands of dollars are you and your family spending on unnecessary health bills? Instead of chewing on a Twinkie.chew on that thought for a while.

What would you rather have with all that extra money: a new car, a house thats paid off, a vacation home, a boat?


Living healthier, looking leaner, feeling younger and more energized while pocketing extra money from saved doctor bills and surgeries.

Where do you sign up?

Not at your local McDonalds or Burger King.

Nor at your local greasy spoon restaurant.

You sign up by making a commitment to change your lifestyle. Hey, maybe thats not what you are wanting to hear, but its true. You and only you, (with some help from me, of course) can make that change.

Whats the great thing about it?

So many people have tried and succeeded by doing it the right way, and you can too! It may take some time, it will take some discipline, heck, it may even take some sacrifices.but you will get so excited when you look at yourself in a mirror and see a leaner, fitter, healthier you.

Save money, save insurance company hasslesand for goodness sakes start a fitness program. I may not be able to help you have a body like Brad Pitt or Angelina Jolie by next week.but listen to me and you can at least save enough money to take everyone you know to see all of their movieslol. Actually, with your savings on doctors visits..youll have way more money than that.

In closing, you can choose one of two things.

1.Making a change to commit to a healthier lifestyle, a more balanced diet, and a fitness program that will lead to greater physical fitness, mental health and wellness, endurance (use your imagination), less doctor visits (when they are practically pushing you out the door anyway), less chances for heart attacks, strokes, surgeriesAND more money in your pocket from saving yourself from these expenses.


2.A diet filled with fats, lard, cholesterol, unlimited carbonated beverages, diet drinks (that always gets a chuckle out of me), days of feeling weak, depressed, and lethargic. Lets not forget a greater than average number of doctor visits, greater chance for health-related surgeries, greater chance for injuries (if and when you decide to get off your butt and do something), combined with looking less attractive to yourself and your significant other (or potential significant other), WHILE wasting money on all of these things.

Quite the laundry list, huh?

I dont know about you, but I take #1 11 times out of 10. And, if I were you, I would think long and hard about making a change to #1 too.

You can do it, I am here to help. And if you can handle even more fitness strategies for you and your family, go to and check out what Ive got in store for you. Have a great day!

Chris Callegari, founder of is unleashing his real-world exercise, fitness, nutrition, and healthy eating tips to the world, to help support lifestyle changes for any and everyone.Barb Blog17306
Berty Blog7720

How to Photograph Jewelry

Photographing jewellery can be tricky, but with a few concepts and budget below US$500 it is possible to achieve near-professional look of the photographs. This guide is intended for absolute beginners. Terminology is simplified, and camera adjustments are discussed with only jewellery in mind.

1. Equipment

1.1 Digital SLR

Biggest spend for near-professional look of jewellery photography is for the digital SLR. This is an absolute must. Second-hand camera will be as good. Camera without many features and without high Mega-Pixel rate will work just as fine. 3 Mega Pixel is more than enough.

Note that what makes the difference is the quality of the optical system, not the number of actual pixels.

Digital SLR will allow you to manually adjust every aspect of the camera. Automatic modes are not appropriate for jewellery.

1.2 Lighting

Avoid using any flashes. Don't use camera's built in flash. Don't buy stand-alone flashes. In fact, don't buy any lighting equipment. Desk lamps 60W-100W will do just fine.

Photo tent will help a lot, but is not mandatory. You get find them for as little as US$20. Terminology varies, so "Photo Tent" will also be called "Light Cube", or "Soft Light Box". Do your searching and find one approx 20" (50cm) in size.

You will need 3 lights. Two matted lights -- soft lights, and one reflector light. Place one matted light left of the area for jewellery, and one to the right. Place reflector light near where the camera is.

Whatever you do, avoid mixing light types. Use only non-fluorescent lights, and isolate your photo 'lab' away from natural light.

1.3 Tripod

To have freedom with many settings that will be a must, we will have to use longer exposures. For longer exposures to achieve maximum sharpness, we'll need a tripod. Our hand shakes too much, when camera runs at exposition 1/2s or 1/5s. Buy a 'tripod' for US$10-$20. You don't need a heavy duty tripod. If your setup will be on a desk, you can chose mini tripod - approx 10" (25cm), and stand tripod on the desk as well, or longer tripod, approx 50" (125cm) and stand it on the floor.

2. Setup

Position the lights as described above. Two desk lamps with soft light (irrelevant if you are using photo tent -- the tent is there to soften the light), and reflector light at the front. I keep the cube open at the front, for easier adjustments and photographs, unless jewellery is highly reflective of the image of me taking photograph.

Uniform background colour is recommended. White background works great. Black background is a little harder to work with. I use one of the white wooden shelves that was sitting in the garrage. Hardware stores will sell these for a few dollars.

Jewellery neck stands look effective only on some pieces, but for most laying on the white surface is the best.

3. Jewelry Arrangement

Spend time arranging jewellery. Clean the jewellery if needed. Polish and remove finger prints. Lay it nicely. For chains, spend time to even out all links and to lay it in a perfect circle. For fashion jewellery this may be a little tricky simply because it's made of various materials and it just doesn't like to sit perfectly on its own. Use blue-tac to fix it where you want it.

4. Taking Photographs

Set your camera to manual. This is where you can adjust all settings yourself. You can leave auto-focus on if you wish, that is about the only setting you can have automatic. Disable camera flash. With static lighting and without using flashes, you can spend time moving the lights until you get perfect setup, before taking shots.

Learn the following 5 camera adjustments: Aperature (f-number), Sensitivity (ISO number), Shutter Speed (Exposure), White Balance, and Focus. These 5 are your bread and butter.

4.1 Aperature

Also known as f-number. This setting widens or narrows the lens, limiting the amount of light that comes into the camera. This directly affects shutter speed, and film sensitivity (since we're using digital camera, film sensitivity is adjustable like anything else).

This setting is responsible for the 'focal lenght'. With high f-number eg f/22 or f/11, when taking jewellery photographs, parts that are close to camera will be focused as well as parts that are further away. With low f-number, eg f/2, only the focused part will be in-focus, and parts of jewellery that are further apart or closer to the camera will become fuzzy. Use this setting as it suits you. You may want to create certain effect, but if you don't, keep this setting to f/11. Overdoing this setting will limit the light coming into the camera, and you'll have to make sacrifices elsewhere to compensate.

4.2 Sensitivity

Also known as ISO number. This used to be film property, and expressed in numbers like ISO200, ISO400, ISO800 etc. The higher the number, more sensitive the film, less light it needs, and thus more expensive. In Digital SLR's this is merely just a setting, but the higher the number, more noise camera will capture. The more light you have, you can go lower with this number. For our limited lighting, ISO800 or ISO1600 will be fine, but try not to use ISO3200 -- it adds visible noise.

4.3 Shutter Speed

Also known as exposure, it is a measure of time camera will be taking the light. When photographing moving objects, you would want this fairly short: 1/200 or or 1/400. However, we're taking static objects, and with the tripod camera is static as well. This gives us flexibility in going as low as 1/30 or 1/10, or even 1/2. Value 1/2 means that camera takes light from the object for half a second. If anything moves during that half a second, photograph will be blurred.

Adjust shutter speed freely until you get desirable effect. In fact, when taking photographs of jewellery against white background, you will want photos over-exposed. Over-exposure should affect only the white background, where small imperfections of white surface will vanish into pure white. If your camera has light meter, it will display a warning that you have too much light, number 2 or 2.5 could be flashing in your viewfinder. This is good :-).

If your background is black, you'll want it under-exposed. This will keep the black background black, remove some imperfections, but leave the jewellery just fine.

4.4 White Balance

With different colours present in every light source, our eyes naturally adjust to what white is. Cameras try to do the same and for general photography are quite good at it. However, for jewellery, you'll want to try all manual pre-sets yourself and chose best result. If everything fails, manually adjust white balance, until it's good. You won't need to keep changing this setting from one jewellery piece to another.

4.5 Focus

Jewellery is static. It's easy to use manual focus, but auto-focus seems to work just as fine. If camera keeps focusing on the incorrect part, just switch to manual, and away you go. For most applications, auto-focus will be fine though.

4.6 Taking photographs

Take enough photographs for each peace. Use camera built-in display as a guide only. Colors and brightness will look slightly different on the computer screen. You can adjust some of it afterwards, but try to take a perfect shot in the first place.

5. Post-Processing

Restrain youself from using too many features of the photo editing software. All you need to do is manually adjust Brightness and Contrast, and perhaps use 'Sharpen' feature. Don't apply any automatic adjustments, as these will get confused with too much white in the photo, or too much black.

Crop to the area you want to keep, save in internet-friendly format (eg 400x300) and you've got a near-professional photograph. Reuse the same photograph for 'zoom-in' crops. You won't be making images larger, instead you'll be cropping from your original, adjusting and saving.

Digital camera with 6 mega pixels or more will preserve enough of the detail for zoom-in's. If not happy, re-take photos of the detail.

Copyright (c) 2006 Sasha Petrovich

Sasha Petrovich works for Phaze 3 Gallery as technical consultant, including photographing all the jewellery for printed and online material. View his works at Phaze 3 Gallery website Blog7752
Alison Blog69031

Consumer Facts On Free Satellite TV Deals

Free satellite TV! Get free satellite TV system free for 4-room, get free DVR, free HDTV, free incentive gifts like iPod and home theater system, free installations sounds familiar with the slogan? Dont worry; this is not another free satellite TV promotion advertisement. Instead, we will examine some facts of these satellite TV promotions here: Are these free deals really for free? Are they worth the money? Do such satellite TV deals suit my need?

Are free satellite TV deals for real?

To answer the question, you need to know what are given free in such deals. Free satellite TV means you get the satellite decoder system for free. You will get satellite dish, decoder system (up to 4 rooms), and remote control for free. The free satellite TV deals do not include a free television for you. However the satellite systems are compatible with almost any television in the market so if you have one at home, you dont need to buy extra TV with special features.

So back to the questions - without a doubt, these free deals are for real. But it comes with conditions. You will get the satellite TV system for free, if you are their first time customer and you must be willing commit to a service contract up to 18 months. If you read those free satellite TV ads carefully, you should notice that such free deals are only for first time customer (for Dish Network or DirecTV).

Are the free deals worth the money?

The answer is yes and no.

The Yes:

Free satellite TV deals are lucrative not because they give out free satellite TV system for free. It is good because with a very low monthly subscription fees, you can get hundreds of 100% digital satellite pictures. By paying just little amount of money, you will get premium movie channels like HBO, Starz, ShowTime; you will get your favorite sport actions such as NFL, NHL, or NBA; you will also get lots of news channels like CNN, CNN2, Bloomberg, BBC. As you can see the wide programming selection is why satellite TV deals look attractive. Dish Network or DirecTV, you can now enjoy top class TV entertainment service with satellite TV without paying anything up front (satellite TV system are given for free, remember?). It certainly gives something that cable does not have.

The No:

Nevertheless, the free satellite TV deals do not worth the money if you dont spend time long enough in front of the TV. If you hardly spend an hour in TV within the whole week, that is the point of having 255 TV channels? All you need is some crap TV talk shows to tease you before you get to bed and sleep, why get satellite TV?

Often consumers order satellite TV deals blindly just because the free ads flyers are too attractive. Do not buy and then regret. The conclusion, do not spend money on free satellite TV deals just because their deals are too good to resist. The free deals are worth the money if you watch TV a lot; if you dont, locals should be good enough.

Consumer facts (in case you are still wondering is the free deals worth the money or not)

Due to the demise of Pegasus and Voom services, there are only two major satellite TV providers in the USA -- Dish Network and DirecTV. Both companies are providing 100% digital satellite pictures; both companies are offering amazing free satellite TV systems; and both companies have the finest sales support team for their customer services.

Since Dish Network and DirecTV were officially launched in 90s, millions had switched from cable TV to Dish Network. J.D. Power and Associates has ranked Dish Network and DirecTV as the top TV broadcasting companies. Both DirecTV and Dish Network are higher in customer satisfaction than any of the cable TV companies for the last five years.

Ordering Dish Network Satellite TV

Dish Network require $49.99 activation fee. The fee will be credited to your programming bill however, so in essence, your satellite TV system is free. With Dish Network you have the option to upgrade to a DVR (digital video recording) receiver, or an HDTV (high definition TV) receiver at no charge. Dish Network services at a monthly cost of $19.99. However, Dish Network standard programming fees start at $31.99 per month (for standard 60 program channels). The monthly subscription fees then goes up to around $86.00 for 230 channels including Showtime, Starz!, HBO, Cinemax, and Sirius radio.

DirecTV Satellite TV Service

Depending on your credit rating, when you order a free satellite TV system from DirecTV you may be required to pay a deposit or prepayment. Because the deposit is refunded to you and the prepayment goes toward your programming fees, the DirecTV satellite dish and receivers are free. Installation is also free. If you want a DVR receiver you will be charged an additional $49.99. The charge for HDTV receivers is $299.99. DirecTV programming packages start at $29.99 per month for 115 channels (including 31 music channels), and go up to more than $90 per month for 185 program channels, including Showtime, Starz!, HBO, Cinemax, and 31 music channels.

Closing things up: Is free satellite TV deal the right thing for you?

The answer is actually lies inside of you. If TV is one of your primary forms of entertainment and you want the biggest variety of shows, movies, sports, and news -- then we satellite TV deals should be something you should seriously consider. Cable TVs nowadays doesn't looks like a good deal to go for as their monthly fees increase a lot every year.For football fans that wish to get every NFL games- DirecTV is what you are looking for; for normal family, Dish Network seems to be a better choice.

However, if you watch just a few television programs a week and have access to over-the-air TV, then satellite TV probably isn't for you.

Teddy LC., expert writter on consumer products reviews. Check out his latest satellite TV related website and get more info on Dish Network deals.Brigid Blog33096
Casie Blog49832

Red Hat, Pink Hats, Fedoras - How are they manufactured?

While the hat is a familiar article of apparel, most of us don't know how they're made. The construction of a hat depends on what kind of hat it is. For instance, some hats are made as a generic blank, then blocked into shape with heat and steam. Others are sewn out of oddly shape pieces of material that look little like the hat they are going to become.

Straw and felt hats are among those that are blocked. In industrial uses, this is done with a large machine that can block many hats at once. Prior to the invention of blocking machines, this was done by hand on a metal pan. The brim and crown may be done using two different forms, depending on the style of hat to be made.

Because steaming the hat is what allows it to take its shape, there are several different kinds of hats that all start out looking the same. Bowlers, fedoras, and other kinds of felt hats are created as a shaped felt blank. Then, they are placed onto the hat block and any shaping or creases that are desired are put in. The brim is then trimmed to the desired shape, and the hat is finished. Straw hats are created in much the same way.

Straw hats are often coated in a stiffener or protective varnish. Felt hats may also contain sizing to stiffen them. All these agents except varnish are designed to dissolve when exposed to heat and water, so that the hat can be reblocked by a professional if needed. Finishing off blocked hats involves attaching a brim wire if one is necessary to the style, and adding a sweatband and any decorative bindings that are appropriate.

Other styles of hats, such as baseball caps, are both sewn and shaped. The individual pieces of the hat are cut from fabric, which may be treated with a stiffener, then machine sewn together. If the brim or crown requires shaping, this process is often done after the hat is assembled, unless it would harm the hat. The hat may then be finished like any other hat, including hemming and adding a hatband.

By the time a hat gets to the store, it has been through a number of complicated processes. Making a hat is almost more like sculpting than conventional garment making, because of its three dimensional nature. Now that you know a little bit about what goes into the process of making a hat, you'll be able to better appreciate wearing one.

MaryAnn FarnsworthAmity Blog33905
Arline Blog69378

Nursing School Rankings

The US News & World Report and the National Institutes of Health (NIH) Report on Research Funding conduct nursing school rankings to measure the status of quality of different nursing schools nationwide. Various factors affect how nursing school rankings are determined but it all serves the purpose of providing more information to anyone in search of a nursing school.

As you evaluate different leaning institutions for your nursing education, nursing school rankings should supplement your own research. First, determine which specific nursing program you wish to enter and then based on that look at nursing schools in your chosen location that offer that specific program. You can use nursing school rankings to find out the areas of strength of a particular school and if it matches your interest and needs.

In general, organizations determine nursing school rankings by gathering data through surveys that are prepared by professors and other scholars. Survey respondents can be present or past students or administrators and other high-ranking staff members of the nursing school. The survey contains both objective and subjective questions, and a complex method is used to process the answers. The statistics of the school are also one of the factors used to determine nursing school rankings.

For instance, the US News & World Report evaluates NLNAC (National League for Nursing Accrediting Commission) accredited nursing schools and their programs by surveying deans and other faculty staff members of each nursing school. The respondents will review and grade other schools based on a set of criteria. Some of the factors that affect nurse school rankings are student-to-faculty ratios, rate of job placement after graduation and etcetera.

Nursing school rankings from the National Institutes of Health focus on the overall amount of grant funding received by the research programs of individual nursing schools. Research institutions and those who would like to pursue research work consider NIH rankings to be strong indicators of outstanding research programs.

Nursing school rankings are just one tool to help you evaluate a nursing school. There are so many other factors to consider when choosing a school such as the quality of student life, cost, availability of financial assistance, board passing rates, affordable housing on or near campus, among others.

Be sure to look at the complete picture when making your decision. Get to know more about a certain nursing school by looking at the schools website, requesting for an information packet or going to the schools information session or open house.

Milos Pesic is a successful webmaster and owner of popular and comprehensive Nursing Education web site. For more articles and resources on Nursing related topics, Nursing Jobs, Nursing Schools, Nursing Education and much more visit his site at:Bernardine Blog69586
Becka Blog26504

Hacking: An Inside Job?

"Leaving your Web applications insecure makes no more sense than building a brick wall but using a gate made from chain link fencing." James Gaskin

Whenever the President of the United States travels anywhere there are numerous individuals charged with making sure the President is secure and unharmed from attack. This is the premise behind Internet security. The work you have done on your site is the product of valuable time and energy. For some business owners the website represents significant research and creative energy. It is possible for a vulnerable website to be hijacked and remade in the image of something that only resembles your website in name only or to have safeguarded data copied for the use of a third party.

One of the biggest mistakes a website owner can make is allowing the work to be left unguarded. As reported in recent years hacking of a computer system can occur both from within a company or from a remote location, which makes the use of Internet security so important.

Advances in firewall technology (making them easier to install and configure), improvements in vulnerability scanning and better explanations of how to repair them, and better intrusion-detection with fewer false-positives are all key technologies in this race. Dr. Charles C. Palmer

Some hackers argue they are not involved in felonious activities, but are simply seeking knowledge and using the internet to find answers, however the U.S. Government views the activity as a felony and punishable by applicable state and federal laws.

It should be noted that the term hacker has been adjusted. No longer is the term hacker only used to describe someone gifted at programming and is able to break a website code to gain access to information. Today a hacker is also someone who misappropriates company data. Typically this scenario occurs from an inside and often trusted source.

System administrators must learn about and maintain their systems securely. Users have to understand their security responsibilities. Dr. Charles C. Palmer

In many cases, business are now making a non-disclosure agreement a part of the hiring procedure to provide an extra legal recourse in the event that data is electronically removed and used in ways unauthorized by company heads.

If a stranger came into your house, looked through everything, touched several items, and left (after building a small, out of the way door to be sure he could easily enter again), would you consider that harmless? Dr. Charles C. Palmer

Taking security issues seriously is needed in the development of a web-based business infrastructure. It may be worth exploring both on-site and off-site security features as a means of ensuring the long-term usability of your website.

Scott Lindsay is a web developer and entrepreneur. He is the founder of HighPowerSites and many other web projects. HighPowerSites is the easiest do-it-yourself website builder on the web. Get your own website online in just 5 minutes with at: Blog69415
Arlette Blog76454

Advantages of Open Source Software

PHP-Nuke, PHP PostNuke, TikiWiki, Xoops, b2evo---you can find them everywhere in the web. These are all the open source software solution used in various areas of web applications. These are most of the time free applications released under special licensing terms. This allows the coding to be shared by all and edited to suit the unique needs of the user.

What is the secret behind this immense popularity of all these software? The use of open source software has some practical benefits. Let us discuss about them in details.

You get the core framework for free

For a start up company, budget is a major factor. You can save on your initial investment cost by adopting open source software which comes free of cost.

Modification benefits

With Open Source software, the code is openly available and that enables the users to fine tune the codes to suit their needs. It also contributes to the improvement of a software product by making it adaptable to changing conditions, fixing of bugs, security problems and so on.

Excellent support base free of cost

With open source software you are not tied to a single company or do not need to fall back upon it for fixing all your application related problems. This dependence proves to be very expensive. But with open source software, you get the support of the entire support community on which these applications grow and thrive.

Forking leading to a new product

The open source software keep open the possibility of forking when the existing code base does not work thus leading to the creation of a new software altogether.

The entire online community is indebted to the various open source software for what they have contributed to transform internet into a vast collaborative community that it is today. With an array of open source software, you may conclude that the days of commercial software are numbered. But it requires time for their installation, implementation and trouble shooting. If you lack the time then you have two options---go for the expensive commercial software or hire an efficient and renowned web host who will tackle these problems for you. The second option is definitely better.

Fat Jack Hosting is the Internet Marketers Dream when it comes to hosting. Not only do we have great ongoing 24/7 support, but we understand the small business owner, entrepreneur and internet marketer because we are owned and operated by an extremely successful one. Thats why you get great customer service, tips, strategies and support. Go here right now to get your hosting account>> http://www.fatjackhosting.comAlice Blog54075
Aleece Blog52762

Safe Online Surfing

If you believe that adults can suffer from identity theft or be mislead by online criminals, imagine what children can experience in case their online surfing time is not properly guided. In fact, parents should know that when children are online, it is just like they are out in public. Thus, educating kids and monitoring their online surfing time can save parents from the anguish of having to deal with an uncomfortable situation later.

Exposed to a variety of stimuli, children today are able to surf and visit websites, portals, enter chat rooms or participate in online games. Since technology has brought a tremendous shift in children's recreational time, kids should be taught that when they are talking with someone in a chat room or an instant message session, they are actually interacting with strangers unless they know in person the other party from the "real" world, like their school class or sports team.

A number of social studies reveal a shocking number. One in 4 children between the ages of 10 and 17 are exposed to sexually explicit imagery and nearly 20 percent has received an unwanted sexual solicitation during the past year. Although "kids are tough" and are not deeply hurt by these experiences as they consider them as a forbidden "fun" game between peers, a number of parents have reported that their children have been clearly disturbed by these type of online exposures. Surely, apart from the kids, parents are also extremely annoyed by the fact that unwanted exposures to porn and suitors have entered their kids' lives through the virtual reality of a computer screen. But the fact remains that even when children are not looking for these kind of information online, they can readily find such material accidentally and then not to know how are they supposed to react.

The situation for parents seems very difficult and organizations, or administrative units like the Commission on Online Child Protection, have been examining the subject of online children protections in great extend. The problem is that safety issues and moral issues tend to overlap and while parents agree that their children online safety is among the top priorities on their list, they have not yet reached a stage of mutual agreement of their concerns or a reasonable and effective strategy to limit the chances of their kids being exposed to such kind of unwanted imagery or solicitations.

As no single solution currently exists, it is imperative for parents to educate their kids and explain that the internet is just like a city street with interesting parks and happy people but also full of dangerous characters and speedy drivers. Since identity can be hidden or even altered while one is online it is crucial to make sure your children understand not to reveal any information about their identity or whereabouts that would allow someone to track them down. Of course that means that no names, addresses, phone numbers, school or parents' work locations and e-mail addresses. Finally, it is important for kids never to get together alone with someone they meet online. If for whatever reason, your child feels that it is absolutely imperative to get together with someone that they have "met" online, make sure it's in a public place, like a restaurant, at a reasonable hour and that a parent is present. Although this does not give you much assurance that everything will go well, you will at least be able to check the person's age, gender and demeanor.

Kadence Buchanan writes articles for - In addition, Kadence also writes articles for and Blog6196
Bernardine Blog70522

Digital Duplicators Benefits Compared to High Volume Copier Printers

A digital duplicator is a copier / printer which uses mimeographic technology combined with modern electronics to produce copies or prints onto paper, envelopes and light card. Mimegraphic technology basically means using a stencil to produce copies or prints.

What is a Digital Duplicator NOT?

A digital duplicator is NOT the machine your primary school teacher used to run off purple copies of the school song for use in assembly, copies that had a strange, all-pervasive chemical aroma that meant you would rather the teacher had chosen somewhere else to stand and not next to you, because teacher, having used the old-fashioned mechanical duplicator of your youth, smelt and would continue to smell all day long, of chemical just like the purple copies. Today, you will NOT have to stand by such a duplicator endlessly turning a handle. Digital duplicators are electrically powered.

How does a digital duplicator work?

The copy / print stock to be printed upon is placed in the feed tray of the digital duplicator. A stencil is wrapped around a cylinder inside the digital duplicator (not a photoreceptive drum, digital duplicators do not use them) and is easily secured at both ends. An integral scanner then reads the original image. The digital duplicator then creates perforations in the thin, resin-coated master or stencil, which is otherwise impervious to liquids. As the cylinder rotates a pressure roller presses paper against this cylinder. Ink is then forced through the newly cut openings of the master onto the paper, envelope or light card as a copy or print.

Digital duplicators do not use a photoreceptive drum or a heated fuser unit. This means lower power consumption, greater service intervals and cost savings. Why use a Digital Duplicator?

Savings begin when you make more than 25 copies or prints of a single document. A digital duplicator uses a stencil. The cost of the stencil or master used in a digital duplicator is divided amongst all of the copies or prints of that particular document. After 25 copies the additional copy cost is very low.

Technological improvements have enabled digital duplicators to print at speeds of up to 135 pages per minute, with 600dpi resolution for a fraction of the cost-per-copy of a conventional photocopier. This makes digital duplicators invaluable for print-on-demand applications quite apart from the typical users of digital duplicators who have up to now been schools, colleges and churches. Digital duplicators are ideally suited for print shops or corporate graphics departments where digital duplicators can be used alongside conventional print-room photocopiers. Another point to consider is that if you use a digital duplicator for your long runs your comparatively expensive office copier will last that much longer.


Digital duplicators are not exactly new. Since the late 80's digital duplicators have become virtually standard equipment for those, typically churches and schools, who require low cost copies or prints, with high volumes and a machine that is easy to use. Digital duplicators are just as easy to use as an office photocopier. Digital duplicators provide far greater flexibility to print onto a variety of stocks such as envelopes, and light card. Digital duplicators are cost-effective being less expensive to run than a conventional photocopier given the right circumstances. Digital duplicators offer additional savings because of their greater productivity and versatility. A normal, conventional office copier may have a copy speed of anything from 20 to 60 A4 copies per minute. Digital duplicators however, are capable of printing at speeds of up to 135 A4 pages per minute and an impressive 120 A3 pages per minute. This is because digital duplicators use an ink process that reprints each sheet of paper on contact. Additional cost savings are to be made by taking less than half the time to produce a print or copy job because of the increased speed of digital duplicators compared to office copiers of a similar price. The ink used in digital duplicators is quick-drying and will be touch-dry virtually on contact depending on the print resolution of between 300 dpi to 600 dpi. Gone are the days when duplicators produced smudged copies because the previous copy had not dried. The copy quality of digital duplicators compares favourably with conventional copying / printing.

Some digital duplicators provide a "job separator" mechanism that offsets the top sheet of each job. Most digital duplicators send output into a single receive tray and do NOT collate.

Further savings are made by using Digital Duplicators in that they can print on a wider variety of stocks including carbonless forms (NCR), envelopes of virtually any size and file folders because they have a straight paper path and do not use a fusing unit. Digital duplicators are able to print in practically any colour you like. A digital duplicator looks just like a multifunctional copier printer. Do NOT be put off by the fact that digital duplicators use ink rather than toner. After all, toner becomes ink when passing through the fuser unit of a conventional copier but the heat and pressure applied makes it readily absorbed into the throughput material. Adding ink and stencils to a digital duplicator is no more difficult than adding a new toner cartridge to a photocopier. The ink which is in boxes is located inside the digital duplicator. There is no danger of spillage. Replacing the ink in a digital duplicator is easier than installing inks into an inkjet printer. All the inks for digital duplicators come in boxes. Simply remove the cap, put on a holder and then slide them in. Colour cylinders are available for each individual ink, and will last for the life of the digital duplicator. Inks are competitively priced with one bottle lasting from between 5,000 to 30,000 copies depending on coverage. Apart from basic colours, digital duplicators can be supplied with Pantone colour inks. Ink changes are clean and easy, taking about 15 seconds to change a colour. A microprocessor-controlled, vacuum-drawn ink system ensures that digital duplicators use every last drop of ink paid for.

Digital duplicators are no noisier than conventional office photocopiers, with noise levels of between 65 - 75 decibels. Because of the greater copying and printing speeds of a digital duplicator the noise will be for shorter periods too.

The first copy from a digital duplicator will be slower than from a photocopier but at speeds of up to 135 A4 pages per minute, and, remember, given that you will be printing at least 30 copies or prints at a time, the digital duplicator should in most cases be a lot quicker.

Digital Duplicators are environmentally friendly compared to photocopiers. They do NOT emit Ozone, unlike photocopiers. Since they do not use toner and do not use cooling fans (no fuser unit remember, so not necessary), they will NOT circulate toner dust when a filter becomes clogged. They do NOT use a fuser unit so are totally dormant when not in use with no fuser unit to keep hot. On top of this all digital duplicators have an inbuilt "energy save" function which reduces by as much as 85% the already negligible power used when in standby mode. Digital duplicators are so environmentally friendly when it comes to power saving, they "fly below the radar" of Energy Star classification. The power consumption of a digital duplicator over its expected lifetime is reckoned to be up to 700% lower than a conventional photocopier producing equivalent number of copies. The inks and master stencils for digital duplicators are usually biodegradable.

Digital duplicators can be linked up to a PC, Mac or network and used as a high-speed printer. controllers enable users to send print jobs straight from a PC or Mac WITHOUT proprietary software. A driver that is provided with the controller is loaded onto the PC, Mac or Network.

Points to note.

Digital duplicators do not provide automatic Duplexing. However, copies can easily be run through the digital duplicator a second time for double-sided requirements and with the high speeds of digital duplicators, this need not necessarily be a problem.

Digital duplicators do not staple or punch.

Vincent Woodall is the sales and marketing manager of AB Technology (London) Ltd (ABT) an office equipment supplier and has been employed in the office equipment industry since 1985. ABT's website can be found at Blog40908
Alix Blog66276

Fight For Your Childs Legal Rights Through A Cerebral Palsy Lawyer

About 500,000 Americans are suffering from cerebral palsy in the country. The numbers of fetal and maternal conditions are increasing, resulting to a higher risk of a newly-born child to acquire cerebral palsy. However, there are also cases where the negligence in the part of the medical provider may contribute to this condition. As a matter of fact, cerebral palsy has preventable causes.

One example is that a pre-mature baby may not undergo a therapy to decrease the effects of jaundice, thus resulting to possible brain damage. Another is that mishandled delivery may also result to brain injury as well as fetal stress. There are also cases where the medical provider often abuse the child physically, causing brain damage which results to cerebral palsy.

If you find that your child acquired cerebral palsy simply because there is a regrettable mistake during the time he/she is delivered, you may seek for some legal help. Of course, it is your right to secure any financial assistance to pay down the medical expenses of your child in treating cerebral palsy.

Although there are no exact figures that show some of cerebral palsy cases are attributed to medical negligence on the part of the medical provider, still with the knowledge that such medical provider has responsibility on your childs condition, you may seek some legal actions to protect your childs legal rights as well as to secure financial assistance. And you can do this by getting the services of a cerebral palsy lawyer.

Your cerebral palsy lawyer will be the one to fight for your childs right to the court as well as to seek financial or other restitution, which is very important since the expenses to provide sufficient medical care to a cerebral palsy patient will really cost you a fortuneabout a million dollar and above, depending on the condition of your child.

He will be the one who will file the cerebral palsy lawsuit against negligible parties, either partially or fully negligible, to the childs condition. In most states, there are existing laws which provides the aggravated party to file a cerebral palsy lawsuit within a maximum time period. And since the battle for the lawsuit involves the complexity of the diagnosis as well as the management of the cerebral palsy, it is important that you hire a cerebral palsy lawyer who has wide experience in handling similar cases and with sufficient access to medical experts.

Do not let your child be a victim of medical negligence which results to cerebral palsy condition. Contact a cerebral palsy lawyer and fight for the legal rights of your child.

This content is provided by Low Jeremy. It may be used only in its entirety with all links included. For more information on cerebral palsy, what causes it & where to get advice, please visit Blog85039
Arleta Blog33676

Career Training: A Popular Choice And For A Good Reason

There are a lot of career training courses which can help a person to develop valuable skills and knowledge. These in turn help the person to earn more money. The courses are designed for people who do not have much knowledge on a particular subject. They assist a person to develop to his or her full potential. There are technical courses, management courses and many other types of courses all of which contribute toward gaining critical knowledge. Career training courses aid a person in utilizing the skills learned in a proper and efficient manner.

There are various types of courses, such as short-term and long-term. Short-term courses help a person to learn about a particular subject or develop a skill rapidly. Long-term courses help a person to learn about a particular subject in greater detail. These courses are taught in a manner in which a person learns everything that is required to be successful in their chosen field. Whether a course is short term or long term they are generally very flexible and can be learned through various means such as online via the internet, correspondence courses or at the school's facility.

No matter whether you intend to take a short-term course that will earn you a certificate or a long-term course that can lead to a bachelors or masters degree, one thing is for sure education is very important for every one. It helps a person to develop his or her potential. It is advised not to miss any of the course material offered. If you are doing an online course and you have fixed a time to study then you should stick with your schedule. A lax schedule will impede your progress or prevent completion of the course altogether.

Even if you feel a particular part of the course is boring don't skip it or rush through it. View all course material seriously so that it can be learned thoroughly. You should study with interest so as not to lose out on any valuable information. After all, you have invested your time and money in the course and you want to get the most out of it.

In addition, distance learning is a very good way to be trained while you work. You require an internet connection and a computer for learning your subject. With technological advancement career training has become a worldwide phenomenon and many people have started to earn more money by means of these online career training courses. Online career training courses help people to study the course, take the tests and get certificates without attending classes everyday in a college or university. The best part is you can self study at your own pace.

There are many institutions which provide career training courses, which help people to learn a particular subject or skill. Millions of people learn through career training every year. The cost of career training is very low compared to attending college.

Some people think that career training does not have value. Nothing could be further from the truth. Investing in career training is the same as investing in yourself. Do the research and you will discover that career training helps in gaining abundant knowledge, skills and self-respect.

Sherry Harris is the President of online career training school, Malibu Institute. For more information on master certificate courses and career education offered, go to: Blog64258
Ailyn Blog9270

Good Digestion Is Essential For Good Health

A healthy digestive system is crucial to your overall health. Today more and more people have reported having problems like indigestion, acidity and poor waste elimination. The reason is the fast paced life style, and lack of adequate sleep or lack of nourishing diet. Our fast food diets contain refined sugar, preservatives, antibiotic, and hormones that interfere with digestion and health in general. So called "junk food" is contributing to a vast variety of ailments and obesity.

Natural digestive supplements, vitamins, herbs and probiotics are well known to provide people with fast relief from problems like indigestion, acidity and poor waste elimination. Since conventional synthetic drugs are often very difficult for the body to absorb and carry undesirable side effects, an effective alternative is the use of all natural enzymes, fiber, vitamins, supplements, herbs, and probiotics that are derived from natural sources. All natural digestive aids are fast acting and easily absorbed by the human body. Natural digestion chewable wafers or liquids help your body to better absorb food nutrients from the foods you eat and the supplements you take - plus you're able to break down dairy products and other hard-to-digest foods. Natural digestion enzymes, fiber, supplements, vitamins, herbs, and probiotics help balance and ease digestive discomfort.

Enzymes are proteins that are a vital energy factor needed for every digestive action and reaction that our body needs for proper health. Enzymes combine with coenzymes forming almost 100,000 different substances in the body that make it possible to see, hear, feel, move, digest food and allow the brain to function efficiently. All organs, tissues and all the 100 trillion cells in our bodies depend on the interaction of metabolic enzymes and the energy they help produce. Enzymes break down food particles that are too large or have begun to putrefy. When food particles are too large or have begun to putrefy, our bodies are unable to absorb them and they become like invaders to our blood stream, cells and intestines. Then our immune system begins to attack them in order to protect us. The results may take the forms of nausea, runny eyes, headaches, acid reflux, heart burn, fatigue, allergies or respiratory difficulty, leaky gut, weight gain, candida, or constipation.

Conventional cooking, cooking with a microwave, processed foods and some freezing destroy the enzymes naturally contained in food. At times our own body's enzyme producing capacity gets overwhelmed and our metabolic digestive ability is compromised. The use of antibotics also destroys beneficial micoflora in our intestines. Research indicates that as we age, the cells in our pancreas becomes less efficient causing an enzyme deficiency that weakens the trillions of cells in our bodies. This enzyme deficiency then, in turn, speeds the aging process creating an undesirable cycle. We can counteract the effects of food preparation, aging, and digestion overwhelm by using all natural enzyme supplements and formulas that increase the amount of enzymes in our body and create a healthy, properly functioning digestive system.

Probiotics derived from natural sources enhancethe growth of beneficial microflora in our intestines. Mircoflora helps process vitamins, nutrients and enzymes that enhance digestive process. The microflora protects our bodies by removing harmful foreign materials that our bodies cannot remove and prevent harmful bacteria from growing in our intestines that causes illness. As we age, the health microflora in our intestines decreases. Our common complaint as we age, is that we cannot eat the way we used to eat or the foods we used to be able to eat. We may develop lactose intolerance, have difficulty with waste elimination, experience respiratory difficulty, acid relux,and feel less energetic or perhaps toxic. Regular replacement of beneficial microflora with the use of all natural probiotics helps us to continually breakdown dairy products or other food that are difficult to digest enabling us to avoid experiencing acid reflux, weight gain and other digestive difficulties that actually speed the aging process.

Of course, all natural fiber is extremely important for good digestion. Soluble fiber attracts water during digestion. This slows down the digestive process and allows you stomach and intestine to absorb more of the nutrition from the food you have eaten. All natural insoluble fiber allows food to move through the digestive tracts of your body and then enables waste and toxins to be eliminated through the bowel. Insoluble fiber removes any blockage in the intestines that may lead to constipation. Fiber is essential for your body to absorb vital vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients and to facilitate the removal of waste materials.

All natural enzymes, fiber, vitamin, supplements, herbs, and probotics help our body to better absorb and utilize the food we eat. They also help us experience proper waste elimination which is vital for removing toxins that could cause us harm and speed the aging process. A well functioning, healthy digestive system is vital to our well being. All natural digestive aid products are an enormous advantage over the use of conventional synthetic drugs. Together, all natural probiotics, digestive enzymes and fiber are a powerhouse for healthy digestion.

Jennifer Kays has over twenty years experience with all natural health care products. She provides the highest quality all natural health care products through http://www.sweetmedicineessentials.comAdriaens Blog91553
Benedikta Blog78245

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